
​​​​​​​​​In accordance with the State Grants Commission Act 1976 the Commission is comprised of three members appointed by the Governor:

  • a Chair, who is a nominee of the Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance, approved by the Treasurer and appointed by the Governor; and
  • two representatives of local government nominated by the Minister responsible for the Local Government Act 1993 from a list of four names submitted by the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT).
The current members of the State Grants Commission and appointment term expiry are:
Mr C Lock
Chair and nominee of the Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance and approved by the Treasurer
30 June​ 2027​
Mr G A Preece
Representative of local government31 Dec 2026
Ms K Schaefer
Representative of local government​10​ Feb 2027

​The Commission seeks to operate using b​est practice governance strategies. It actively promotes increased stakeholder interest in its activities, methodology and assessment calculations, and works to ensure an environment of greater accountability and transparency. ​

The Commission maintains a Conflict of Interest Register which is reviewed at the commencement of every Commission meeting.

The Commission has in place a Strategic Plan which guides its work program and stakeholder engagement. The current version of the Commission's Strategic Plan is State Grants Commission: Strategic Plan - 2024-25 to 2026-27.​

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